Packages to Fit Your Needs

Lite Monthly
Get started using legal GPT today
Process up to 200 pages per month*
Billed Monthly
Upgrade or Cancel Anytime
Basic Monthly
Uplevel to process more documents
Process up to 1,000 pages per month*
Billed Monthly
Upgrade or Cancel Anytime
Pro Monthly
Supercharge your legal workflows
Process up to  5,000 pages per month*
Billed Monthly
Buy More Pages or Cancel Anytime
All you need to grow your practice
Develop custom workflows
Unlimited processing and storage
Lite Yearly
Billed yearly at $300
2x pages & 16% off the Monthly Plan
Process up to  4,800 pages*
All pages granted upfront, use anytime
Upgrade as needed
Basic Yearly
Billed yearly at $600
2x pages & 16% off the Monthly Plan
Process up to  24,000 pages*
All pages granted upfront, use anytime
Upgrade as needed
Pro Yearly
Billed yearly at $1000
2x pages & 16% off the Monthly Plan
Process up to 120k pages*  
All pages granted upfront, use anytime
Buy more as needed
All you need to grow your practice
Develop custom workflows
Unlimited processing and storage
Volume Discounts
*Pages of source material estimated based on an average of 400 words per page

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